Thursday, December 1, 2011

Small Success Thursday

It's been a crazy week. 
Today is Thursday.
So today we stop to consider how last week, we did little things with great love.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

This week is the first week of Advent.  There is lots to consider, and sometimes it feels like there is never any time.   Today, I'm feeling pressed.

But we celebrated Thanksgiving. 
We played football as a family.
We had a grocery date.
I submitted an article.
This week I finished my book on Dorthy Day. The review is three posts back.
A friend invited me to go to a night of reflection and I did.
And I made a pitch for a magazine job.  We'll see.

Now.  What were you up to in the past week?


Kristen @ St Monica's Bridge said...

Here's my round-up...

These weeks are bordering on overwhelming. Every success counts!

Maria said...

I don't see Mr. Linky, so here's the link to my post:

Sounds like you had a full, but good week! Have a blessed Advent!

Erika Marie said...

Sorry it's been so long since I've shared. I'm glad you are still here :)

Good job on everything you've done!

Here are mine from the week:

Leaving a comment is a form of free tipping. But this lets me purchase diet coke and chocolate.

If you sneak my work, No Chocolate for You!