Tuesday, July 3, 2018

It's My Birthday

Hello everyone. 

It's July 3rd and I'm fifty-two.

Part of enjoying the birthday is counting 52 blessings and/or big events from the past 52 years.

1966  Born...and survived it.  Yay!
1967  Got to come home from the hospital. Yay!
1968  Started talking.  Never stopped.
1969  Became a big sister.
1970  Remember going to the Neuman Center, and mass.
1971  Became a big sister again.
1972  Learned to rollerskate.
1973  Took trampoline lessons.
1974  Had my tracheostomy removed.
1975  Learned to swim.
1976  Remember going to DC, and watching the fireworks on the lawn.
1977  Saw Starwars
1978 My sister was born.
1979 Our house flooded, but we thought it was kind of cool, because we saw fish swimming in the kitchen. 
1980 Made the track team. Ran in the 1320.
1981 Started high school.
1982 Principal tapped me to be a journalist/cartoonist
1983 Got a 4.0 for the first time.
1984 Graduated from High School
1985 Met one of my best friends, in line for getting rooms.
1986 Volunteered for Logan Center, became interested in Special Education
1987 Applied to and got a full ride for graduate school.
1988 Graduated from Saint Mary's College
1989 Moved to Boston to start (and finish) master's.
1990 Got Married.
1991 Moved to Houston.
1992 Found out we'd be parents in the next year.
1993 Became a stay at home mom with our son.
1994 Got into graduate school for the University of Texas
1995 Moved to Maryland
1996 Had our first daughter.
1997 Had our second daughter.
1998 Started volunteering at the kids' school.
1999 Had our second son.
2000 Was asked to write for school.
2001 September 11th.
2002 Daughter was born.
2003 First miscarry.
2004 Son was born.
2005 Daughter was born
2006 State agrees to take our house and help us move.
2007 Daughter was born.
2008 Son was born and survived surgery.
2009 Second miscarriage.
2010 Third miscarriage.
2011 Youngest daughter is born. 
2012 All twelve of us go to Texas for my brother's wedding.
2013 Book published.
2014 Dad died.
2015  Went to North Carolina and hooked a ray.
2016 Daughter graduated from high school and started at the college I attended.
2017  Got certified as a teacher again.
2018  Son graduates from high school.

All of which is to say, I've been more than blessed these 18,993 days. I can't wait to see what the next 18,993 days hold. 

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