Thursday, November 28, 2019

Small Success Thursday

It's Thanksgiving!  As such, I am thankful for the full table, made fuller by all the people around it.

I'm also grateful to my husband for taking me on a date last night.

Happy Thanksgiving.  No matter how flawed the nation that created this holiday, or the origin, the reality of stopping to be grateful for the blessings of this day, of this life, with family is something good.   We owe it to all who came before, to make it a genuine outpouring of gratitude.

We need to stop and spend time with each other doing ordinary and wonderful things, because that's what time is given to us to do. 

Everything is fragile.  All time, all hearts, all lives.   We need to remember that as we enter into this season of giving, of celebration, of gratitude.   All of it should be treasured, as none of us can hoard or hold onto anything except the memories we create in others by our actions. 

So by all means, feast, but make sure others are feasting on your presence by your presence.  
Have a great week of Small Successes. 

Oh, and I also found out, another piece got published over at the Register: Be the One Who Reaches Out.

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