Friday, May 13, 2011


Blogger deleted my post yesterday. GRRRRRRR!  So I intended to leave a comment yesterday and I know there was at least one blog I didn't get to visit.  My apologies.  --Sherry


  1. Glad I'm not the only one. ACK! That has never happened before. Mine was still saved under my drafts, but it deleted several other drafts I had. Good grief!

    Blessings and thanks again for hosting!

  2. I know it's frustrating, hopefully Blogger will give everyone back their stuff that they removed, like they promised. I'm fortunate that I hadn't blogged at my place during the time period that Blogger erased, but I did get bored and start some new blogs on other platforms while I couldn't get at my stuff. LOL

    I love your posts at Potluck, by the way.

  3. I am with you ! Had my post all ready his a.m. and stupid Blogger... now I hafta wait till tomorrow a.m. and I hate posting on the weekends.


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