I make them, I make too many of them, and I forget which ones I'm keeping. This blog is where I put things I hope to remember but the thing is, no one ever goes back to read older blog posts, not even the authors. So writing it here preserves good intentions, but does not help with reality unless one really anchors it in reality.
So my blog is my honesty place; like a scale but for all of life, where goals will be weighed, measured and probably found wanting.
I am editing a book, and that is taking a lot of time. I tell myself, editing is writing, but must admit, I prefer the creating to the process of refining --so this is taking a lot of mental discipline.
I also want to get into better shape. That too will take discpline. I have to learn to love the process here too, and not merely the result.
The last goal, is organization --not my strong suit, which again, is a habbit of mental discipline.
So the goals are becoming more disciplined --as reflected in writing, exercise and organizing habbits, and my spiritual objective for the year is adoration, once a week for an hour. I need to plot when that will happen (I'm thinking Wednesdays), and set it as part of the schedule. It needs to happen.
Happy New Year! I will post I think Friday Reflections, on how it's going.
This is Day 1.
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