I have about fifteen drafts from this week, because this week, like the many weeks before it, despite the absence of outside errands, has been packed. I figure, it's only fair to give an update.
1) What am I writing? Well, I'm writing poems, I'm editing my book. I've thrashed at words but they're repetitive or just don't get where they need to go or they sound too stressed and I don't want to worry my mom.
2) What am I reading? Well I'm glad you asked, though you didn't. We're reading Harry Potter's Order of the Phoenix with my youngest, The Book of Three with Paul --he's into it, and others keep hovering around not really listening you understand, but nearby. I'm trying to get my next two to listen to A Horse and His Boy. I'm going to keep trying. I've also started Our Mutual Friend with my son John...and I'm hoping that one catches more of them too.
3) Are you Exercising...three times this week I did...then it rained...and I've discovered an inverse theorem...if I dress to exercise, I don't.
4) Are you praying? Every day I drop off for school, I drop by the outside adoration chapel near my home for at least five minutes. So yes.
5) What else are you doing? Teaching. Managing the house...everyone's home now. I'm also helping to organize a conference for January for writers ---so that counts.
6) I haven't seen any links lately ...why is that? Sometimes, you get dry spells. This is one of them. I'm submitting, sometimes three pieces in a week...but they're getting what I'd call dead cat bounces. Not to worry, I have a lot more to throw at them. Visualizing me throwing cats at the editors...it's helpful.
7) Will you ever be funny again...as a blog? ---wait, I wasn't?
Sometimes serious, sometimes funny, always trying to be warmth and light, focuses on parenting, and the unique struggles of raising a large Catholic family in the modern age. Updates on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday...and sometimes more!
I'm so grateful anytime you post. It's always worth reading.