Wednesday, October 14, 2020

My News!

My blog has been here since 2007.  I've tried relocating to Wordpress back when all the cool kids did it, but I couldn't figure out how to export it, so it stayed here.  I longed for someone to see my blog and think, "Hey, she's funny.  We should get her." That didn't happen...

Now, I am being considered as a draft pick for two places --not enough to start a bidding war mind you, but it's flattering to be called upon.  Sort of like being picked in Red Rover...when you're a kid, or finding your name on the list after tryouts.   

The Catholic Conspiracy has asked me to join them. I've been a fan of many of their writers for years. 

 So I found myself surprised and pleased to discover,..the perenial b-teamer, bench warmer has been picked.   

I know in recent years B-teams fell out of favor and out of fashion.  I still have the yellow ribbon from placing fifth (there were seven runners but two quit) and the itty-bitty sports patch from my long and storied history on the sports equivalent of the island of misfit toys from those halcyon days.  I also have the psychological scars that came with it, where my first thougth on being picked must have run out of everybody else. 

    I think of this scene and think, "I'm the magazine."  

Except it's not true. The Blogosphere has fallen out of favor, but those who persist, both love it and are willing to work at improving for the sheer joy of improving --it is the halmark of the hopeful b-teamer, to always seek to try, and to ignore the experts and those who trend, because your heart is there and the rest of you, will grow into it if you just keep at it.   B-teamers persist despite reality. 

 It's one of our most endearing traits...keeps us from becoming tragic. 

The move is being prepped, but I'm not sure yet when it will take place. 
Can't wait for my team jacket.     

In the meantime, I'm feel like dancing.   

Thinking of going as Donna for Halloween even if there is no trick-or-treating.  Why?  Because we'll need the silliness of it all if there isn't.  


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