Saturday, August 8, 2020

Writing's been hard lately

I apparenly have limited capacity, it's something I've always tried to ignore.  However, I find if I exercise, it's harder to write. If I teach, it's harder to exercise. If I clean the house it's harder to teach.  So whatever I pick first, determines what becomes harder to do. 

I'm just letting you know why the blog and my house is a mess.  I've been going for a walk/jog every morning it's not raining, and I'm teaching a class.  So today is Saturday. I have no excuse not to clean the hosue or write.  So I'm doing both...or at least writing. 

The thing about writing, cleaning and exercising is the same. If you do it every day, it becomes habit. If it becomes habit, it becomes less difficult to do. If you miss a day, it becomes a Herculean task to begin least for me. 

So I sat down today and said, you will write something.  If possible, later today, you will write something for publication beyond your blog.   I promise you right now, the well feels bone dry.  I'm going to go for a walk after this and hope something floats into my brain.

I'm a big believer in writers will as opposed to writer's block. Writers' will is what makes writing possible, just as my son tells me, running is mostly mental.  He's been running since sixth grade so I beg to differ, I think being under 50 has something to do with it.   Still, I'm going to try. 

Dang. He's right.  Will is what's missing, in all of those things, and I need to learn how to grow more will, rather than horde it for the portions of the day I like.  I do believe will is the necessary component for everything, and tell my students they will be writers when they write without the inspiration.  Likewise, my son tells me, those who are athletes are those who work out when it hurts, when it's boring, and when it's hard.  If everything is a case of will, I wonder, is growing will possible, or is it merely learning to stop resisting what we say we want to do.  I have a book to read and paperwork to tackle, and I need will for that too. I have a present to construct for our anniversary. I've planned it, I need to get it finished.   Will it. Will it. Will it.   Will it or it won't. 

Excuse me, I've written myself an imperative.  I Will be back...God willing and me willing too, and write some more later today. 

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