I don't know about you, but I'm tired of living in fear. I'm tired of only hearing how much we as a nation can prove how deeply divided we are. I'm tired of hearing constantly how awful things are and I have a solution.
It isn't a news boycott.
It isn't a declaration that all of what is awful and there is a whole lot of awful in 2020, isn't real.,
It isn't hide away and pretend none of this is happening.
To fight the darkness, the despair, the anger, the rage, the frustration, the violence, the suspicion, the mistrust, the injustice, the suffering and the threats of this age, we must be Catholic.
Where there is a despair of the heart, let us bring hope.
Where there is anger, let us address the source of the rage.
Where there is injustice, let us repair and restore fairness.
Where there is violence, let us use words, let us be examples of deep peace.
Where there is suspicion, let us show ourselves faithful,
Where there have been lies, let us be worthy of trust
Where there has been suffering, let us meet the needs of the one who needs.
It is simple. The world needs us to be the both ands we were always supposed to be. If we've learned anything from this year, it is that we need to be moral actors, to not be neutral in the face of suffering or evil. The things we can do, is love our neighbors as ourselves --by not ignoring their health for the sake of our comfort, and not demanding we have live be normal at the risk of others having their normal forever changed.
Being Catholic, means being a source of salt and light. It's what we can do. It's necessary, especially if we want the world to get better.
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