Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday Write Up

Today I slept in, marshalled the power of the birthday week and got everybody to clean for two-to-three hours.  HOURS.  My house is in shock. 

During that time, I found treasures.  Books we'd missed, socks, shoes, movies, magic cards, coins, markers, it's a wonder we can do anything around this house given what I found but the big treasure was a rosary I'd been missing for four months --like pre-Covid-19. I was certain I'd lost it somewhere at work, and yet, it was here in the basement. I'd been in the basement cleaning. I'd worked on that area, and found it now.  Don't ask me how because I really don't know other than this past weekend I really prayed to Saint Anthony and explained to him how much I wanted to find this rosary and how much I missed it. 

Here it was. 

Now I'd been struggling with saying the Rosary. Sometimes I'm a champ at it, but the last two weeks, it's been very little or none.  On Saturday, when doing research, there was the hint in a quote about staying close to His mother.   That night in the petitions at mass, again Mary was mentioned, with the reminder to pray with her, and ask her intercession.  So seeing the rosary here, felt like a directive. 

So you'd think it would be easy right?  No.  But as I sat there going over the beads, it came to me, that our wills are sufficient, because I can opt to do the wrong thing countless times, effortlessly because I will it, ergo, if I willed otherwise, I should likewise be able to do it effortlessly.  Nope.  Because will and desire are two different things.  I desire to eat a Klondike bar, but my will fights against it because I know I don't need to eat such things. My will and desire are not alligned.  My will and my reason are not alligned.  My will and my mind are not alligned.  I pushed through but it took effort until it didn't.   That will be true tomorrow too I know. 

When I finished, I spent some time saying thank you to the Saint.  Thank you thank you thank you.   The trouble for the poor saint is my constant thinking around the problem.  Hey Saint Anthony, could you help me find a way to allign everything so it isn't so hard to do this?   I can almost see him shaking his head.   I added, "Please Saint Anthony, don't lose patience with me. Thanks for the rosary."

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