Thursday, June 18, 2020

Small Success Thursday

I told you I'd restart this and I have.  Today's Thursday and once a week, starting today, we will go over the past week and count the blessings that came.  It's a reminder to me of 1) what day of the week it is, useful in the Summer of Covid-19, and 2) make me remember to be grateful for whatever happened this past week. 

What happened this past week? 

On Wednesday, for the first time since March 8th, I attended mass in person and received the Eucharist.  I remember the last time well, because I remember I struggled with focusing the entire mass and thought almost I needed to go again if only to pay better attention. On Wednesday, you would have thought I'd have had no trouble at all focusing, and yet I still did, because I'd get caught up in the moment, thinking about what the priest said or what the prayers really meant or adding intentions and lo it was time to respond and I'd almost miss it because I'd been trying to really pay attention and yet somehow wandered.  Mentally, I am a lost sheep.  That's what I know. 

The readings were great though, because I loved hearing about Elijah and Elisha and I love the prayer/favor Elisha asks for, for a double portion of Elisah's spirit. It reminded me of Sunday's mass when I felt frustarted with my children not paying attention during the video of the mass and wishing I could take my heart, my faith when it's at its best, and break it into pieces and put some of it in each of their hearts, to help them focus.  Aparently, I need the same.  Asking for a double portion seems like a wonderful request as crazy as it sounds, so I prayed as I walked up and down the driveway, asking for a healing of the whole of our family as we wrestle with the dull montony of a seemingly empty summer.   We need twice the fire of an ordinary summer. 

I'll let you know what happens next week. 

Happy Small Success Thursday!

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