10) We annoy our pets. They don't want treats or walkies anymore, just some serious personal space.
9) Playing chopped at home is harder than it is on TV, and the judges are much much meaner.
8) While there's a finite supply of toilet paper, the surplus of stupid is near infinite.
7) While there's an infinite amount of fecal matter, the amount of stupid compounds the issue of toilet paper.
6) That meeting didn't even NEED an email.
5) Online learning works as well for children as it does for adults.
4) We're going to have Formal Fridays if only for the novelty.
3) Cookie therapy is real.
2) Disorganization and messiness were always a lifestyle choice and not a result of a lack of time.
1) Our tolerance for stupid is less than our supply of toilet paper.
I have to giggle because I can relate to this too much. We currently have 11 people living in the house. 2 kids are off but the rest are home and toilet paper is an issue. I never thought I would ever say that in my life. lol.