Wednesday, April 8, 2020

And So the New Age Begins,

Who will we lose? My son informed me today, his summer boss died in his sleep of complications  from COVID-19. The reality of why we must stay at home even when it is hard, even when we are bored, even when we think it's over if some of us think it's over (it's not), hits home. How many people will not be in the restaurants or classrooms or pews because someone could not bear the idea of staying home.
It's easy to think, we'll be okay if we just go here or just go there, it's like diets. We think we can just cheat a little, but we all know with diets, cheating leads to not dieting which leads to not succeeding if the goal is to lose weight. The same reality exists here, except cheating leads to possibly someone dying and that someone, whoever that someone is, will be missed by many, by those who needed that someone, those who loved that someone, those who needed the love that someone gave.
The someone we affect, who gets infected may have had plenty of pre-existing conditions, but so do we all. We all come with pre-existing conditions that we wrestle with, it's just some have their pre-existing conditions more visible than others. Each time we go out, we endanger all the someones told they're essential, by what we bring out to the world, and all those who work with that someone or get needed resources from that someone.
If we want to be the somes that won in this battle against the Corona-Virus, we must stay home, and we must encourage everyone to do the same, not so that we will simply be safe, but so that all the someones out there will also be safe. Be someone important today, save all the someones.  We owe it to all the someones who die from this, to make that number as small as possible and help end it as soon as possible. 

What we should know from this pandemic is every one of us is essential.  We can all be the ones who fought the battle of Bedford Falls for everyone else, dying to our wants, dying to our preferences, our pettiness, in favor of having everyone we hope, survive this crisis.   Stay home!  

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