Friday, March 13, 2020

What's Going On 3/13/2020

A friend of mine texted me yesterday asking if God maybe decided, "I've had enough. Go. To. Your. Room." and it's a funny but legitimate question when the whole world seems to be on the brink of simply imploding, both fiscally and systematically, because disease that infects through contact means community becomes very difficult indeed. 

However, as we all know, it is when it is difficult, that community is most needed.  The isolation of the lepers in Christ's time, is part of what Jesus healed when He offered the ten begging, His healing, His connection, His friendship.  We all know (intellectually), that love unwilling to sacrifice, is not love, and that what proves our love to anyone, to any person, is presence over time, even when it's hard.   Right now, it's hard to love a society that seems crazy.  That's when society needs it the most.

Society will need every bit of love, humor, mercy, discipline, patience, forbearance, generosity, gentleness, courage, humility and charity we can muster.  I think God is really saying, "Go into the desert of your soul, even if you haven't had a good Lent up to now, and begin." and pray for this world. 

What we do now, will have consequences far beyond the moment. 
There will be a temptation to be angry and rage.  Don't. 
There will be a temptation to be impatient.  Don't. 
There will be a temptation to weep and despair.  Don't. 
There will be a temptation to be selfish. Don't.
There will be a temptation to give into fear. Don't.
There will be a temptation to horde.  Don't. 
There will be a temptation to dismiss.  Don't. 
There will be a temptation to refuse to help.  Don't. 
Pray, hope, and as Saint Padre Pio says, "Don't worry." not because these aren't worrisome times, but because God can give us the calm in our souls to weather this if we ask, and we will to cooperate.

These times will be a testing of all of our spirits.  May we be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

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