Monday, February 10, 2020

Taking a Break

I keep coming back to where I started.  This blog began as a mommy blog, back when blogging was a thing. 

It became a soap box for my thinking, and later, I pulled away from writing about my kids because they weren't kids anymore. Being teenagers, they deserved not to have an internet microscope on their growing up. 

However, that left me with what to do. The blog became a warehouse for links to places that daned to publish me. 

When that dried up, it left me with the what now?  I don't know what the what now is. I've been flailing at writing for a few weeks, with little to show for it; no stories, no light moments, nothing that sparkled like it used to. 

I tried reading, I tried listening to podcasts. I tried writing lists. I tried revising old posts.  Still, all that seemed to be left internally was an unnatural silence. 

At a book signing of a friend of mine, the author asked me, "Hey, have anything on the fire right now?" and the answer was "No." I don't.  There's no idea at the front of my head, the back of my head, or within walking distance of my brain.  I've tried rest. I've tried writing prompts.  I even watched the primaries. 

With my funny bone AWOL, and my writing muse presumably on vacation with it, the blog serves little purpose.  So I'm taking a Sablogtical.  I'm still writing things, (they're all in drafts), every day to keep the writing muscles moving if only from memory.   Hoping to be back for Ash Wednesday. 

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