Thursday, January 9, 2020

Why This Blog Grew More Silent As We Grew More Busy

The danger of Mommy blogs, is the use of children as fodder for the story.  When they are infants and toddlers, this is not a problem. Their issues and problems and moments are cute and endearing, funny and crazy and a particular kind of wonderful that includes no small amount of parental servitude and surrender.   

Once they get older, one must pick and choose and parse the stories, not because one is hiding something, but because one is sheltering those one raises, allowing them to grow up with all the awkwardness that such a process entails.   Once the kids hit middle school, they're mostly off limits except for those moments that cut through the grades, for the events that reveal something more or wonderful or that require reflection and invite sharing. 

The world still needs moments of light and laughter and all of that, and I'll try to oblige.   Yesterday, my teen thought long boarding down the driveway as we scraped off the ice would be a good idea.  (I'm not sure why he thought this, but he thought this).  I fired off the following text.   

Wear a helmet. Love, Mom. 

I promised to blow up the phone with Mom phrases like Love you, love you, love you, during school. 

Today, he found his helmet.  Not sure if he'll wear it, but it's a start. 

Driving them crazy, keeping them safe and loving them all since 1993...

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