Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Every year, I use the Saint Generator and the word generator.  This year, what struck me was the word.  Silent. 

It is something missing from my heart, from my writing.  The breathing in and out that needs to take place to find yourself somewhere other than where you've been before, isn't there. It's not because I'm not trying.  It is because, I think my writing is holding its breath so to speak. 

My prayer life likewise suffers from a dryness.  It is indicative of too much talking on my part, and not enough listening.  Being at adoration, I know myself to be talking to God, not listening.  So when the word says, "Silent," I know it is the Holy Spirit telling me, be still and know I am here. 

This past week, I wrote a piece for WINE, Women in the New Evangelization, and the scripture given to me, involved the story of Samuel going to the temple and hearing himself called and going to Eli.  Eli finally realizes, God is speaking to Samuel and tells him to say, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening." 

The waiting in prayer is part of being willing to trust God.  Silent is the word to remind me, to let myself listen. 

I bring this up because I'm wondering as I write this, if I'm to put aside writing for a time or if it's more about how I should approach writing, with more reading, more silence before beginning.  It's something to consider, which if I'm honest, I've been too busy with all that life entails, to allow myself to consider.   I need to be silent to let myself consider. 

I received Saint Elizabeth of Hungary.  I'd found two others but lost their names and had to redo.  However, the third attempt left me with the Saint I first adopted, as my confirmation saint. It was like reconnecting with an old friend.  I'm hoping she'll help me learn to be silent enough to listen. 

Want a word for the year?  Go here.
Want a saint for the year?  Go here!

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