Friday, November 1, 2019

Small Success Thursday

It's Halloween. Maybe it was the weather, but this year's holiday seemed subduded, both in terms of costumes and participation, like people (adults) are fatigued with it.  I saw fewer pumpkins, fewer displays, less whimsy.  Conversely, I saw many more adolescents dressed and canvasing the neighbhorhoods for candy while we trick-or-treated.

So this week, we saw the Nats win the World Series, I signed up people for AP tests, and got younger ones to basketball practice and altar serving training.   We read more of Harry Potter and I scheduled a dinner night out with friends.  We're going out on the First Friday of each month, to ensure we stay connected. It's a lovely tradition to have started. I'm already looking forward to the next one. 

The Catholic Writers Conference has posted my session called 1,000 ideas for articles.  I'll admit to the irony of having pitched that piece, and how having been basically sans published articles since for two.   I'd become used to having about an article or two a week.  I admit to missing that...however, I'm still writing, and that's the important thing. 

My daughter and husband are going out to Southbend for the weekend.  It should be  a blast. 
This weekend, I'll get recommissioned as a Eucharistic Minister, something I honestly love doing. 

Working on a new project.  Just started. We'll see where it goes --writing wise.   Hope your week was full of small successes.  Happy All Saint's Day. 

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