Thursday, November 14, 2019

Small Success Thursday on Thursday....Whoo-hoo!

It's Friday and I'm trying to get back to my blog posting regularly.  (I have yet to succeed).   This post, started on a Friday, is rediscovered on a Wednesday, so I'm going to pretend I wrote Small Success Thursday in time for a Thursday...

Humor blogs require honesty.  Nuts. 

So this past week I redsicovered why I need to make a list.  If I don't make a list, nothing happens. I then panic and wonder why nothing is happening.  For some reason, if I write things down, things happen, and even if they don't happen, we know they will.  Why? I wrote it down. 

Thus I can report, I wrote an article this week, submitted for publication (cross your fingers). 
I read a book this week. (Will be writing a book review and trying to catch up on that, so that Friday is a book review post).   Recognized my humor blog has become rather dry as of late. 

So I read humor books, watched funny movies and discovered most of my jokes right now, are the equilent of Dad jokes.  I need new material. 

Fortunately, I have ten children.

They're pretty good at providing inspiration provided I don't tell them what I'm doing.  We've also started basketball season, so I'll be able to report on the joys of sports from the sideline as three and possibly four (I may draft one if they need another body to field a team), take on the game. 

Paul loves playing.  He also loves shooting. He's not too particular which basket he shoots, as long as he shoots.  However, he also loves winning and knows how to pick a side and root for it with everything.  The other night, his dad took him to a Caps game.  The Caps lost in overtime.  Paul shook his fists.  He shouted.  He complained.  He kicked a sports cup in protest.  The lad is a true hockey fan.   I'm not putting that guy on the ice. 

Lastly, I restarted daily adoration.  All I can say is, whenever I return, the first thought I have is, "I missed this."  and that's my Small Success for this week. 

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