Monday, October 21, 2019


So today, students worked on their papers and one of mine piped up, "Teacher! Teacher!  I'll give you five million dollars to do my homework." 

"No thank you."
"You'd turn down five million dollars?" 
"I'd turn down doing homework." 

"I have ten children. I've been helping with homework since 1999. So no.  Five million is not enough."* 

Whatever he thought I was going to say, it wasn't that.   *In the interest of full disclosure, I did add, "There isn't a price you can put on integrity."  He rolled his eyes and got back to work. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. HeeHee
    You funny.
    I'd definitely like
    to meet you Upstairs
    so we can RITE a zillion novels...


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