Part of the problem of posting articles linking them to the blog, is writing when you've submitted a piece. You don't want to walk over what you already wrote, or to lose out to pieces but I have to remember, there's always more and trust that the more will reveal itself. So, here's a link to my most recent piece over at the Register, on the Lessons from the Lives of the Saints (suitable for November 1st).
I'll also take this moment to remind people to vote on Tuesday, and to consider when you cast your vote, the hard reality of this time we live in, which requires we stand up more than we'd prefer, speak up more than would be comfortable. We don't get to sit in our hobbit homes and worry about doilies. We must go out and have an adventure...and when we do, we will be changed. So vote. Win, lose or draw, hold the people given the reigns of power accountable. Call them when you read about something that troubles you. Ask them to act. Ask them to look into it.
Read what people are doing, even if it frustrates you to read it. Write to them. Write to the paper. Changing the culture, the political climate of the culture will require more than righteous wrath, political fire, or emotional appeals. It will require logos, pathos and ethos, in addition to witness. We cannot presume outcomes, nor should we presume all acts will be in good faith. We must scrutinize the newsmakers and the news, the laws and the lawmakers, and weigh all of them with are they true, are they good, are they necessary.
Irrespective of outcome, we must not despair of either the capacity of our country to do good, to be good, nor of our ability to affect the world. Begin today with whatever moves your heart. Share your five loaves and fishes and trust, God will do the multiplying.
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