I've read a lot of proposals, a lot of suggestions, a lot of apologies from Bishops/priests and a lot of commentary on the scandals of this past summer. For a time, I thought, there isn't an apology big enough, but I realized, what I really want, is for the religious of this Church, the ordained to take ownership, and to lead by their decisions and words, rather than proclaim what we should do. I want to know they tremble not at the dangers and threats the world and the states might bring down upon them with the force of law and investigation, but from the bigger reality, souls are being lost by the failure to act, and by the unwillingness to be shepherds in this time of trial.
So I thought I'd help everyone out by writing what I'd hope to hear from those who have chosen first and foremost to serve the Lord.
Dear Everyone,
I am so very sorry this happened on my watch. I'm supposed to safeguard all of you. I'm responsible for your faith and your family's faith life and to the extent I've failed to send you good shepherds, to the extent I've failed to help separate those with a vocation from those seeking a way to cloak their desires, to the extent I've not heeded concerns or warning signs that caused great suffering, destruction of innocence, and sin in addition to crimes, I'm sorry.
Being a priest, it's with no small amount of fear and trembling that I recognize, every soul is my brother's, and I am my brother's keeper, and thus, this scandal, both the evil acts of it and the cover up are by my either not seeing it, stopping it, taking it seriously, believing it or investigating it, my fault. My fault. My most grievous fault. Even if I did everything I could, it wasn't enough. Because there are victims, more than have been identified, and thus I know, if the wolves came and devoured some of my sheep, it was because I the shepherd either fled or slept.
I should have stayed awake. I should have been more vigilant. I should have loved my fellow priests and seminarians better, protected their souls better. I should have seen. I should have heard. I should have spoken. I should have acted. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.
There is no cure for what has been done. There isn't a way to magic away pain or suffering or loss. There's only what I can do from today. I must fast. I must pray. I must sublimate myself and sacrifice myself, for the good of all of you, and for the good of the whole church, and for my fellow priests, most especially those who suffer because I failed to stop those who should not have been priests, and those who hid what should have been laid bare.
To that end, from this point forward, the books shall be open.
To that end, from this point forward, we invite investigation.
To that end, we will provide counseling for any who are injured by past injustices permitted via the veil of secrecy.
To that end, we will spend the rest of our lives, praying for the healing of each and everyone hurt by this scandal, and fasting in reparation for the injuries done by people of the Church to the people in the Church. We'll ask you to all join with us on Fridays in particular, but the five other days of the week that are not Sunday, we will be foregoing some of the ordinary delights of life, as a reminder to ourselves of what indulgences of the body do to the strength of the spirit.
We will host confessions all day Friday except during mass time and rosary time, and have the blessed sacrament out for adoration for all during those hours.
This is not a call for mercy on me by the world, but a call to the world to pray with me and the Church, and for me and the Church, that we may become more wakeful, more faithful servants. I'm asking all the priests of this diocese, all the parishes to do the same, so that we grow in faith, we grow as communities, and we can make to Our Lord a more perfect sacrifice of our lives. Once again, for all I did and all I failed to do, which hurt Our Lord's Body, the Church, I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry. It was my fault. My fault. My most grievous fault.
Your Obedient Servant in all things,
Priest's or Bishop's or Cardinal's name here....
If only.