Sunday, July 1, 2018

What to Do?

There's an issue when you write things for publication.  Read the comments.  Don't read the comments.  I have learned, no matter how hard I try, if I read the comments, my ego shall be bruised.  My brain will be frustrated, and my writer's heart will want to try and write again to explain whatever it is. 

However ignoring what is written means I don't learn what I need to know to grow as a writer. 

It's a quandry, because when you look at comments, sometimes you don't know where to begin or how.   What you wrote, isn't received in the spirit in which it is given, and there are as many arm chair editors as there are legitimate discussions being raised as a result of an article as there are arguments over interpretations.  It's overwhelming and I'm not sure how to manage it.  I know the first rule, don't go into the com boxes. 

It's the second rule I don't know.  When to respond possibly with a column and when to let it go. 

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