Saturday, May 26, 2018

Summer Post

Okay! It's Memorial Day Weekend so it's time to construct the annual equivalent of Phineas and Ferb's gonna do it all summer list of "What are we going to do?" 

There are 100 days of summer by my count, so we need 100 things on the list.  I know, blog lists are an easy-peasy way to fill up a page, but it's also fun for us to brainstorm to see if we can do all of them.

100.  Go to a waterslide.
99. Paint nails.
98. Watch firecrackers
97. Pick berries.
96. Go to the park.
95. Run a 5k.
94. Go to a baseball game.
93. Go to a movie.
92. Eat ice cream out.
91. Feed ducks.
90. Take a hike.
89.  Starwatch.
88. Go to the library.
87. Outdoor concert.
86. Take the kids to the zoo.
85. Museum day.
84.  Painting day. (of the house)
83.  Read outside and drink sodas all day, day.
82. Go fishing.
81. Build a sandcastle.
80. Barbecue everything.
79.  Make home made jam.
78.  Learn to cook something new.
77. Learn to french braid hair.
76. Build paperboats out of newspaper (a.k.a. Curious George).
75. Bocchi
74. Go to the fair.
73. Badmitton
72. Rockclimb
71. try a new hair style
70. Read a book a week.
69. Get one kid her learner's permit, and another their license.
68. put on a show.
67. Outdoor picnic
66. Play Kube (Viking strategy game)
65. Card games (rainy day)
64. Teach Rita, Regina and Anna to Roller skate
63. Teach Paul and Anna how to bike with no training wheels.
62. Have a party
61. Volleyball
60. Clean out garage.
59. Help with garden.  (by weeding).
58. Chalk drawings
57. Catch and release fireflies.
56. whittle wood
55. Create models (rainy day)
54.  Board game day. (rainy day)
53. Go to the beach.
52.  Go to the mountains.
51. Visit the Monuments on the Mall.
50. Visit Busboys and Poets
49. Invite people over.
48. Go to adoration
47. Write 1K daily.
46. Play Iron Chef with my kids. 
45. Reinstitute weekly date night.
44. Go to the gym 5 days a week, or go for walks 5 days a week, so that my fitbit doesn't sigh at me.
43. Play mini-golf.
42. Campfire/s'mores
41. blow bubbles.
40. Swimming lessons
39. write letters. (rainy day)
38. Weekly visit to the pool. 
37. play capture the flag with all my children.
36.  All day slumming video game marathon.  (rainy day).
35. visit a farm.
34. Ride a horse.
33. Discover some new cool place we haven't been yet in Maryland.
32. Declutter a room. 
31. Volunteer for something new.
30. See a play.
29. Attend a concert (indoor).
28. Win tickets to something.
27. Go out to dinner as a family (once). 
26. Reinstitute reading to each kid each night up through until they're sick of it. 
25. Make homemade ice cream.
24. Family Movie Night (old movies). 
23.  paint rocks (Anna suggested)
22. stomp in puddles
21.   Family picture
20. Outlet mall for summer clothing.
19.  Help 5 of the 10 find summer jobs.
18. Finish writing/editing project.
17. Visit family.
16.  Have family come visit us.
15. Teach kids how to skip rocks.
14. Fly kites
13. Lemonade stand
12. Camping
11. Waterballoons
10. Fix bikes.
9. Carwash at home.
8. Whiffleball
7. Kickball
6. Laser tag
5. Charades
4. Soccer
3. Roadtrip
2. Visit Civil War battlegrounds.
1. Blockparty

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