Okay, so the humor slice for today comes from my son. I'd posted a meme and he went to town on the topic.
I present for you, his Communist Comedy Manifesto:
Ivan was terrible because he kept stalin on the moves.
His choice of the Fox Trotsky proved too ambitious.
It didn't help when his partner Khruschev lost a shoe.
Karl's routine received poor Marx and a technicality voted Yuri Gangarin Rocket-man off the show.
Some contestants in the competition said Gorbachev cheated, that something in the scores of the judges smelled bad, giving way too many points to the current leaders' routine of "Putin on the Ritz." but Mr. Gorbachev denied these alligations and said he'd like to punch whoever spread such rumors in the face. Putin responded, people who have glass noses, shouldn't throw punches.
If you didn't like these jokes, well, that's the problem with socialist humor. Everyone has to get it.
Editor's note: Russia spambots have been loving my inbox lately, this should probably not help the situation.
I'll post a poem later today...
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