Hello! It's Monday so you get to hear me and Mark Shea interview a candidate for President. We're talking with Mike Maturen of the American Solidarity Party. The discussion includes revisiting what it means to be pro-life (not merely anti-abortion), and Catholic social teaching, the defense of religious liberty and the question of how one engages in responsible economic policy.
While the gentleman and the party are working to get placed on the ballot, the discussion of what is the morally correct vote, does come into play. How do we discern what is the way to do the most good? Our current system does not ask that question, it asks, are you on Team Iron Man or Team Captain America?
It was pretty cool to say to my teens, get rides home from practice today, I'm interviewing a candidate for President. It was also cool to hear that the guy cooks dinner for his kids most nights.
Here's the link to the show, consider joining us next Monday at five o'clock. You can text, tweet or facebook questions or you can call in, if you have a question. As always, it will be fun.
Connecting the Dots with Mark Shea!
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