Friday, June 19, 2015

7 Quick Takes With LOTS of LINKY LOVE....

1.  Small Success Thursday!  

I wrote it late Wednesday,which is past the deadline so I thought the piece would be DOA.  

It wasn't, but I didn't know until late last night.  So if you'd like to stop, smell the roses, count your blessings and take stock of the past week, here's your chance over at Catholic Mom!

Hint: Road Trip!

2.  Eat Sleep Write:  

I post a lot of humor pieces over at Eat Sleep Write.  In return, there's a bit of extra exposure.  I hope all of you go take a look at the work and maybe leave a comment.  Same humor, same voice, same chaos fighting against the possibility of order, same Sherry, just a different web address.   Here's my latest:  Ask a Stupid Question.

3.  Check out the flyer!!!

To those who bought my book, thank you.  It makes a writer's day to know someone else enjoyed it.  To those of you thinking about it, here's your chance for a fun summer read.  

4. Didn't I tell you lots of linky love this week?   

Have write a book on your bucket list?  
          Have a book you need to polish for publication?  
                   Have a desire to write but don't know how?  

Here's your answer. 

Writer's World is a critique community I've been a member of for over a year. You can only self teach so much; sometimes what you need is an extra set of eyes pointing out the flaws.  

Randall Andrews is the editor/creator of Writers World and the Writers World Boot Camp. I am currently in the first boot camp, though I owe about 12,000 words.  (The equivalent of a twenty mile march with a backpack all night and then 1000 push ups).    So as part of my penance for my negligence of poor Penelope, I'm suggesting you consider (whether you're a fiction, fan fiction or non-fiction writer) enlisting in his next camp.     

Writers World Boot Camp 2
July 1st, 2015 - January 1st, 2016
Hosted by Randall Andrews, the Writers World Boot Camp is a six-month course designed to polish writers of any skill level. Whether you are just beginning or have been writing for years, this boot camp will provide valuable lessons, experiences, and instructions to help you develop your book.

By the end of Boot Camp, you will have a finished novel ready for publishing. If the novel is of high enough quality, Randall may extend the offer of a contract through JaCol Publishing at the end of the six month period. Boot camp is broken up into three sections:
• Lessons and Exercises
• Writing
• Rewrites
During each segment, you will work with your peers in the camp to develop your ideas and stories as well as working with Randall and his staff, who will guide you as you write your novel.
For more information, questions, or sign-ups contact Randall Andrews at

Oh and here's the link.  Tell Randall, Sherry sent you.  ;)

5.  We normally do a bucket list for the summer.  I normally post it.   I haven't yet.  So in honor of the official start of Summer (tomorrow):
1) Berry picking 
2) swimming 
3) barbecue
4)  library
5)  movies
6) date nights
7) baseball
8) capture the flag
9) water balloons
10)  go to the park
11) go to a water park
12) enter a art piece in the fair
13) learn to juggle
14) learn a new song on the piano or guitar
15) attend a circus
16)  painting (for fun) 
17) painting (a room).
18) go to a museum
19)  kite flying
20) firefly catching
21)  fishing
22)  canoeing
23)  ice cream from the truck
24)  reading 100 books
25) go to plays
26)  chalk drawing
27)  all day magic tournament
28)  going to a new restaurant
29) listening to an outdoor concert
30)  fireworks
31)  beach
32) walk local civil war battle fields
33) sing-along
34) go to the zoo
35) go to watch horse races
36) walk or run in a 5K unless you're Peter, in which case, a 10 K or more.
37)  volunteer work
38) pick flowers.
39) pass drivers tests (Bonnie and Marta)
40) blow  bubbles
41) trying a new food (not at the fair. No matter how tempting, whatever they've fried, it will make you sick so no. No fried candy. No fried oreos.  No).  
42) going to a farmer's market
43) riding a horse
44) hiking a trail
45) take kids to the aquarium
46) Explore local caves (it's been a few years).
47)  going to a swimming hole
48) finish book (Sherry)
49) Visit colleges for Marta
50) throw a party.   

I know there are 73 days until school starts and I only listed 50 things, but some of these will take more than one day to enjoy.

6.  Wish I was might want to...It's being held July 22-24, 2015.  Meet in Somerset, NJ for workshops, pitch sessions with publishers, opportunities for members to market their books directly to bookstores, and more fun than you can get out of a bucket of ice cream.  I know several of the speakers from past work with and the National Catholic Register and being a memberr of the Catholic Writer's Guild.    

And here's the link for Registration!

7. Lastly, if you've not started reading but plan to delve into Pope Francis' Encyclical, it's available free online.  Here you go.  Yes, it counts toward the 100 books for the summer.  Enjoy!

P.S.  You can read more 7-Quick Takes over at This Ain't the Lyceum. (Love the name).


  1. Your book looks great! Adding it to my to-read list :) And I really do need to join an online critique group. I did an in-person one for a while and while it held me accountable it was hard to juggle actually BEING there. I'm MUCH better at virtual being there ;)

  2. Awesome! Hope to see you there!


Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think!