It's January 3, 2014. How are those New Year's Resolutions going?
What were they? Oh Yeah. I'll be posting them monthly as part of keeping me honest. I figured it's the best way to see that some of them happen. Since some of them are specific, I'm just concentrating on the general ones here. So it's ten quick takes. Bonus for you!
1) Get re-certified. (Looking into the requirements).
2) read a book a month.
I've read a few chapters in the book I got for Christmas. It's a historical look at Life in Ancient Greece. I'd love it for all the facts and history if the man's bias didn't constantly say, everything was awesome until those awful evil Christians came to power. He just jumps over the persecution and gives the impression that such a response by the state was possibly warranted, after all, look at how they abused their power once they got into position! It makes me question the validity of the rest of his history, with some of the sweeping statements and omissions he makes.
3) pray the rosary if not every day, get through the cycle every week.
Did the Glorious, half way through the Luminous. Working on it.
4) write daily something. Sent out a piece and wrote this post today. Check!
5) Exercise 6 days out of 7.
I shoveled the snow yesterday and made a Wii U Mii so I could do Wii Fit.
6) Call my friends. Locating cell phone, will do after this post.
7) Play games with my kids. Yes. And I discovered I stink at video games absent the old controllers. I don't know where B or Z or C are, and keep accidentally changing my character from Aragorn to Gimli. It's not pretty.
8) Speaking of Pretty: Get a haircut once every six weeks to keep myself looking polished. Planning on that for today later once everyone's up and fed.
9) read to my children more. Started Little House with the two girls. One's interested. One's not.
10) get to bed on time (by 11:15). 12:15. It wasn't 12:30. Baby steps.
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