Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer Brain

I was going to post on Monday. 

I forgot my blogger password.  When I went to go to yahoo to check my email to get a new password, I'd forgotten that one too.  At that point, I declared the day over, took the kids to the park and bought ice cream from a truck.  

It's summer.  My brain cells are on a need to use basis only. 

So this morning when my daughter came to me with 4th grade math (fractions), I worried before she showed me the problem.  At what point do I allow this mental slide into the permanently beached ice cream coma stop?  I decided it would be when I couldn't do the math. 

The problem with doing the math, I had to do it.   The problem with having done the math, was the cold slap of older children's homework looming. "Hey Mom, what do you know about the Scarlet Letter?"  Hawthorne...read Blithedale's Romance for senior comps...read Scarlet letter because I'd never read it and decided I should, so it's been checked off but no analysis.   "Hey Mom! I need a poster."  "Hey Mom? What do you know about McCarthyianism?" 

My desire to go running to the nearest ice cream truck is strong.

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