Every woman knows it. Her purse is a ninja. It can hide in plain sight. My pocketbook of choice is large. It is modeled after the Texas flag and has sparkles on it. When a decidedly Not-Texan friend saw it for the first time, all she could say was "wow." Yeah. There was snark in there.
It is big. It is loud. It is fun. I think it is cool. It is slightly insane. In short, my purse looks like my personality the way dogs look like their owner. Except for one thing. My purse can hide from me. I have never yet successfully hid from my children or my purse.
Even the kids have noticed, the thing can be sitting on a mantle, draped on a chair and we can spend a good 20 minutes before someone trips over it. Thus we came to the understanding that everyone has a secret ninja in their lives. For several of my children, it is their shoes, for others, their backpack when it is homework time, and for still others, their lunch box. The question is not what is the ninja object in one's life but why is there a ninja object in one's life?
There are several controversial competing theories on the matter of obvious yet invisible objects.
1) We are failable forgetful disorganized beings: This has been loudly decried by the establishment as judgemental, harsh and unreasonable and thus dismissed as a kookie premise that only the despairing or lazy thinker embraces. I agree.
2) Government Conspiracy Theorem: All objects have microchips in them that allow the feds to test teleporation technology in discreet and multiple locations so as to perfect it before letting the public know about such things. Sometimes the process doesn't work entirely, explaining the single sock/shoe/lost car keys that are never located. Such a theory has much in the way of promising explanations of reality if true, it would resolve those perpetual seemingly eternal losses like the wallet that is always empty, the completely devoid of cookies "Cookie jar" and the empty ice cream tub in the freezer.
3) The Toy Story Premise: You know how toys are alive when we're not looking? Well so are the things. Attention things! I will not abuse you if I gain knowledge of your being sentient. Further, I would welcome your help. Please please please, pull a Beauty and the Beast number on my home and put yourself away properly.
4) Object Permanence Isn't: We know as infants that things don't stick around, but we're conditioned by all that came before to think otherwise. It's possible. After all, all things are finite, but that might seem like too hard a truth to bear, and so begins the socialization of a whole people to think that objects should endure beyond time.
5) It Takes a Village to Create Real Paranoia: My kids can see the purse, they've just colluded to not notice in the desperate hopes of not having to run one more errand. (This one seems entirely reasonable to me, except I'd have to be in on the scheme because there are times they want to go and I don't and I still can't find it).
These are just a few of the possible explanations for the cloaking devise that ordinary house hold things sometimes use to avoid detection. Feel free to add your own in the com box. In the meantime, I've decided to put my phone in my purse so I can call it and locate it....except that's missing too and I'm pretty sure I turned it off....may have to reevaluate my staunch denial of theory #1.
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