Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Small Success Thursday

Weeks roll fast. It's hard to believe today is Holy Thursday.

Have a blessed Easter everyone. It is a beautiful thing to be able to celebrate this sacred time, both with our families and with our friends, both in the actual and virtual world. God bless all of you.

This past week, we had a couple of good, one wow and one scary thing happen. I hope your week had lots of goods and wows and no scary.

This weekend we managed two birthday parties including a rock climbing party where my 6 year old daughter and 8 year old son proved they are part spider or monkey. I was amazed at how quickly they could scale 25 feet. There should be an open bar provided for parents who sign the waiver. Or a tranquilizer, something because it's unnerving to see them just up up up they go. But it was also cool to see their smiles of triumph.

More Good:
Took my 10 year old shopping. The first store didn't have things in her size. The second store, the assistant store manager took us on a s a special project and made her feel like a superstar. She bloomed like a sunflower when she had all those beautiful outfits. It was fun and lovely and so affirming. It made my day.

Booked a birthday party for the 10 year old, 8 year old and not yet 5 year old at the same place. They will enjoy a Gymnastics party at a place that I took the almost 5 and my 3 year old and they thought they'd died and gone to kid heaven. (It is where Dominique Dawns trained so it can handle the 10 year old too).

More Good:
Said almost a full rosary. Still have to power through the last decade and a half tonight, but I had reason.

Suffered from shortness of breath Tuesday night, spent the evening at the ER and then in the hospital such that I now am nursing a coctail of steroids in my bloodstream that would disqualify me from the next two rounds of Olympics. On the plus side, I'm breathing much better and found a specialist who doesn't freak out at my airway and he's decided I'm his patient and so things worked out fine. But I had lots of time to myself so I used it to almost finish a full rosary.

Yes I saved it for last. I made a pitch for Helen on Thursday night at the Catholic Writer's Online Conference. I'd never made a pitch before. They said yes. They want the full manuscript. I'm now editing like crazy and honestly feel like the dog that caught the car.

Final note:
Blogging will return to regularly scheduled Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday posts but not until April 16. This is not because the tax man cometh, but because we have a wedding to attend and I will not be near the computer that weekend or the two days prior to that weekend. Small Success Thursday will still run as I can schedule a post.

Now it's your turn:


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your scare, but glad you were able to find a doctor to help! Some of my children have been needing breathing treatments this past week too. God bless you and your family and have a wonderful Easter!

  2. WOW! What a week for you! Congrats on the pitch for Helen. Hope you're feeling better.

    Have a blessed Easter!

  3. Whew. So GLAD you are OK now! Scary!
    So sweet that your daughter had a special time shopping...and YAY YAY YAY for Helen!

  4. I have enjoyed reading your good, one wow and one scary thing. My week had lots of goods and wows and no scary.


Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think!