Thursday, November 3, 2011

Small Success Thursday

Each week, we take time to count our blessings, to notice the little things that add up to victories in life.   We hope that whatever else we may be doing, we're somehow making progress on those things that matter most. 

So without further ado:

1) Had a date --went to a wedding. It was elegant and fun and unusual. 
2) Simplified a week that was otherwise looking overwhelming by rescheduling some appointments.
3) Continued daily rosary.
4) Almost caught up on laundry, have 14 loads folded, four more to go.
5) Had a blast trick-o-treating.

Now it's your turn.


  1. My successes:

    Your week is awesome! Love it!

  2. Simplifying a week is always a good thing! Great job on your week & congrats on having a date.

    I don't see Mr. Linky, so here's the link to my successes:

  3. Sounds successful to me! Yay for the daily rosary! And you can't beat a date night :)

    Swing by my blog to check out my sucesses


Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think!