Thursday, August 18, 2011

Small Success Thursday

It's Thursday and that means it's the day we stop to look back at the past week's small successes; those little things that cummulatively, add up to a lot of love poured into seven days.   Before we begin, I'd like to just let you know how honored I am to host this weekly event for all of you.  It is a very heartening experience to visit your blogs and see so many people just seizing life with joy.  You are inspiring.

This week I:

1) got the school uniform situation squared away. I still need to go to the (ugh) ugly shoe store for the ugly shoes, but getting six kids outfited for returning to school is almost done.

2) Ordered new backpacks --old ones were ripped, grimy and had fought the good fight, it was time for new blood. 

3) helped set up fishing poles --husband took the boys lake fishing; they loved it!

4) Worked out on the Wii every day. 

5) Still fighting to continue Flylady.  

6) Visited with two good friends on the phone, I miss them both. 

7) Decided to engage in solidarity reading, am starting Passage to India, as my daughter is also reading it. 

Now it's your turn.  I look forward to seeing what y'all did this past week!


  1. Good Morning! Love the reading-- I love reading what the kids are reading. (Usually)

  2. Wow! YAY for you guys!
    LOVE that "fishing with Daddy" one,especially! Thanks for hosting:)

  3. Looks like a good mix of productive tasks & personal enjoyments. Congrats on a great week.

  4. When I think "school shoes," I remember the black and white oxfords that were a required part of my uniform at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School. I liked their look! But even better was the "new shoe smell" they gave off on the first day of school when I slipped them on my feet.

  5. Hi Sherry, I was also going to comment on how productive and also organised things sound. Don't worry though, I am not expecting you to always be that way, just glad this week has had some organised successful moments! It feels good, at the end of the day when this happens.

    I still have washing up from Tuesday night to do, so we won't go there hahaha!

    Work's worn me out this week, that's my excuse!

  6. Sounds like a good week :) Flylady and I are not currently lining up but I really liked it when it was working for us. Maybe another time...


Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think!