Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today I turn 45.  I'm happy to be here.  Not really freaked by the number or the mileage, glad to have my birthday on a Sunday as we all got to go to mass together, a good way to celebrate.  This afternoon, we made My cake. 

Ordinarily, I've received a box cake --or a cake from the store.  My cake is the cake my mom made me most birthdays.

It is evil. 
It is delicious. 
It is not good for you. 
And I'm going to share My cake recipe. 
It cures what ails you --provided you have a quart of milk and a gallon of vanillia ice cream to wash it down. 

My Mom's Birthday Cake for Sherry

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Dry ingredients:
2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda.
Combine in mixing bowl.  Set aside.

Wet ingredients:
In a sauce pan melt 2 sticks of butter and 1 cup of water and 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder.  Bring to a boil.  Mix well.

Separate Wet ingredients.
In a small bowl combine 2 eggs
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon vanilla
mix well. 

Pour boiling cocoa/butter/water mixture into flour mixture while the mixer is on, allow to mix well.
Pour eggs/buttermilk vanillia mixture into chocolate/flour batter. Mix well.

Pour whole thing into a rectangular 9x13 pan (greased or sprayed with cooking spray), bake for 25 minutes.

While cake is baking --see, this is an impatient cake --so I like it for that reason.

7 minutes before the cake is out, start your frosting.

Melt in a sauce pan 1 stick of butter,
4 tablespoons of cocoa,
6 tablespoons of milk
and 1 teaspoon of vanillia. 

Stir until it is one bubbling consolidated liquid. 

Add one box of powdered sugar and keep stirring until it is glossy smooth.

Add one cup of pecans if desired. Mix well.

Take cake out of oven.
Pour icing over cake while still hot.

Eat. Enjoy.
Spend next 364 days working it off so you can do it again next year.
Tomorrow, you get the story of the cake.  Sugar coma from cake is preventing further thought.


  1. Happy B-Day and enjoy the Cake. I will think about licking the frosting bowl as you eat your cake. Love, Mom

  2. Happy Birthday! Sounds like a delicious cake!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to us!! Hooray for cake! lol!

  4. Happy Birthday, Sherry!!!


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