Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Week's Small Successes

1) I took some of my kids to confession yesterday in preparation for Easter.

My daughter wanted to go to adoration.  I felt admittedly hesitant as she is only 9 but she was adamant.  "I want to go see Jesus."  So I explained that she could go in the room and sit in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament but that there was no talking, no wiggling and no getting silly. (All things she does often).  I also told her I would be right back but I had to return to the main church to claim my son who wouldn't know where we were.  She would have to leave when I came to collect her.  And with that explantion and a bit of trepidation, I left her in the room filled with many more people than I felt comfortable about for letting her sit for the first time.  

I mentally hoped she would not be bored or fidget or cause someone else to feel distracted as I hastened to collect her older brother.  Coming back into the room, she was at the front, praying fiercely, happily, enthusiastically and with great joyful reverence, the kind that only a pure of heart third grader can muster.  It was moving to see her so rapturously before Christ.  I felt very foolish by comparison even fresh with the grace of confession; my daughter understood perfectly well how to sit in adoration, you adore.  

2) The same daughter made me exercise two days this week.

3) Earlier this week, I finished reading a book.

4) wrote on Helen four days.

5) Got to sit at Holy Thursday mass (okay for half of it), and just hold Paul.  It was delightful to give him that cuddle time and I loved when the kids would sing.  When they'd finish, Paul would clap in appreciation. 

6) Made a promise to myself, not to impulse spend.  Immediately, I could think of fifteen great gifts/great ideas if only I would just spend a little.  The kids wanted just a little treat to start Spring Break.  But I held fast and offered homemade substitutes and lo, things worked out.  We are now on day two.

7) Had a free piece run in Family and Faith Live!

8) Did spring cleaning on my blog. It looks better than my house :) What do you think of the new look?  Leave a comment!


  1. Maria Fernanda McClureApril 21, 2011 at 7:03 PM

    and love the new look. very welcoming.:)

  2. I LOVE those moments when I catch one of the munchkins in that sweet reverence that only a child can display...& it usually comes from the one who'd given me the most trouble that day! I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere!

    Your blog looks great! Have a wonderful Easter!

  3. Wo! Tons of success going on around here! Good for you! I'm so glad you had an opportunity to take your daughter to Adoration...I love being in there with my kids...we are blessed, usually, to have the hour to ourselves, so we can sing to Our Lord or pray together quietly without disturbing anyone:) Super great job on cutting back in spending!


Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think!