Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Never Make Plans That Far Ahead

I have come up with nicknames for this little girl who likes to set her own schedule.

After two days of induction medicine to no effect, the daughter who is making me wait...making me waiiiiiiit is to be called Heinz. Now that I've got "Anticipation" stuck in your heads....here are a few other nominations for she who is to show up in the next week.

Bartleby the Scribner --as she has stated, "I would prefer not to..."

The Boss.   After all, she has clearly indicated that I am certainly not in charge.

Little Changes...as in how big are the little changes?  In typical understatement, Gigantic. 

Hard Head...really, she's joining a family of stubborn people so can I actually be surprised?

Other things of note...
This morning, the first song on the radio set the theme for the day....Should I stay or should I go?

Her projected due date?  Jan 21st.  The readings for that day, choosing the 12. 

Okay, so the theme of the year is to wait in joyful hope.  So maybe I have to work on the joyful part now that I've been sent home for being far to comfortable.  Apparently going to the hospital is way to relaxing for me.  It's much too stationary a situation given my normal life and labor in this case will only come it seems from returning to my daily labors.
I'll keep you all posted.

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Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think!