Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gratuity of 15% please

Back when we only had six, we took a long journey across half the country wherein we stopped at Niagara Falls, watched Fireworks over the river in Pittsburgh from our hotel room, visited the horse shoe turn and train museum, the Kellogg's factory, the dunes in Michigan and the Chicago Cubs.   Staying in hotels every night, I packed a backpack for bed time with everyone's pj's and a bag for each night with color coordinated outfits. 

We also stayed in places that provided free breakfast to cut expenses.  One morning, it was red day, so all of us, self included were wearing bright red shirts.  I had all six at the table as I brought bagels, cereal, milk and OJ to the masses.  My husband was packing and loading the car.   Bustling about, I got called by an elderly woman who had watched me bringing butter and an extra knife and napkins.  "I'll take a cup of coffee with a bit of cream and sugar." she asked. 

I wish I'd just said, "Coming right up."  instead of "I don't work here."  


  1. Hah! I wish that worked at home too...
    check me out I finally got you on an RSS feed so I can keep up with you!!!

  2. Yup, nothing like motherhood to bring out the waitress (and nurse, housekeeper, taxi driver, and teacher) in us, eh? I still find myself "serving" my kids when they come to visit.

  3. :-)

    I felt like that last weekend....right up till I had to explain to my 2 youngest hooligans that this morning (unlike yesterday) there were NO BANANAS at the buffet. Lord have mercy! They screamed such a fit you would have thought I'd stolen their ice cream! Gator made sure and grabbed a bunch of bananas off an endcap at Target a couple hours later and, yes, I let them eat them in the car.....


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