Thursday, February 4, 2010

Small Successes Thursday

This week, successes had to be scraped from the sides of whatever I could find, like a mom trying to coax one more sandwich out of peanut butter jar so she can pack up the last lunch. 

1) Submitted a piece to the Erma Bombeck contest.  450 words, Erma's style, deadline was Sunday at 11:59 pm.  

2) Worked on a grant and on a piece for Associated Content.

3) practiced piano for 20 minutes yesterday to promote/encourage children to practice.  Hate being my own nag but hate having other people nag me more. 

4) Finished reading "Three Cups of Tea."  A worthy read but I'm not sure I need to go get the second book, "Stones to Schools."

5) prayed for friends, now waiting to see the paths God draws for me.  You wouldn't think a person in a house of 11 would be able to feel lonely, but every once in a while, I'm hit by the reality that community is something I really crave.  Think I'll call my sister and my Mom. 

6) helped 13 year old prepare for auditions for scholarships to be held this weekend.

7) Discovered the quiet grace infused writings of Pope Benedict in his daily devotional, "Benedictus."


  1. Aww, I love the honesty of this list. Much love and praying for you. I know you'll find that peace.

    Much love to you!!

  2. For scrapping the side of the peanut butter jar, you should feel very proud of your successes. Way to go! Sending prays for peace to you!

  3. I love #3 :). It sounds like a simultaneously devious and enjoyable way to get 'em to practice. I'll have to remember that one!

  4. I understand the lonely thing, and sometimes calling someone really does help. Great work on all your successes!

  5. hmmm, I need to be my own nag...but I'm just not good at listening!

    tis a successful week!

    and I can understand being lonely in a crowd....simply cuz you occasionally need a different crowd to be in!


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