Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Triumph is Not Mine

Every Thursday, Family& Faith Live celebrates the little victories that make life something beyond survival, that indicate the times when we come close to following Blessed Mother Teresa's mantra of doing the little things with great love.

Searching for something to say, I thought of my daughter being moved up in reading groups. I thought of my oldest son volunteering to take the bus in the morning so as to take the stress off of me this week when their dad is on a business trip. I thought of the financial aid woman who called me to let me know they were missing a paper I'd sent and to please send a new one, rather than simply discard my application for being incomplete.

Then there was the miracle of my youngest son, Paul. He has Down Syndrome as many of you know, and we just evaluated him for the upcoming year. Sometimes it seems to me as if he's listening in on the objectives and goals the teachers set for him. This week, he transferred a spoon from left to right. He also helped feed himself. He is pulling up in his crib. These were all things we were to be working on, and he has started without us.

My husband's cousin has been battling cancer for many years. She has suffered from the treatment greatly. Two days ago, she started bleeding internally. The ulcers in her intestine had ruptured. Prayers are still needed for her continuing recovery but the initial scare has passed.

So this week, there were miracles, big and small, even as there were failures and tragedies, big and small: a bad grade on a paper, fights and fits of temper, the devastation of Haiti, the madness that is politics, the tears of another mother as she struggled with her daughter's clinging at school, and fears of a friend over how out of control her life feels at the moment.

But I look at this past week, and how it has been. The Triumph was not mine; but I was blessed to witness them.

Have a Triumph to Share? Put it on your Blog, then link to Family & Faith Live, Small Successes Thursday.


  1. Oh - amen to miracles...your successes are TOTAL miracles....God bless you.

    Thanks for making me rethink my week. You're an inspiration!!

    Much love!

  2. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! What an awesome week! The spirit is moving in your world. WOW! Thank you for the reminder that each success is only a success because of God and His role in our daily lives.

    I can't wait to see what happens next week.

    Blessings and Grace...

  3. high five Paul!!!!

    way to go boy! happy dance for you you....happy dance for you you....

    at 18month check Sonshine wasn't walking or talking....MD said to have ECI eval him. scheduled the apt. the WEEK BEFORE they came out boy started walking. "geez ma, all ya had to do was ask...." :-)


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