Thursday, October 22, 2009

Small Success Thursday

Participating in the three successes on Thursday at Family and Faith Live! today I must list three small victories over minutia that took place in the past seven days.

1) Managed to say the Rosary three days out of this week. One Glorious, One Sorrowful and one Luminous. Yeah, I missed out on Monday but I'm getting better at getting to it daily.

2) Worked out this week for 30 minutes. Only once, but once is once more than last week so again, it's progress.

3) Read to youngest five four days in a row. (Yes, there's a trend to all of this. Incrimental process of being present even when I'm tired, even when I don't want to).


  1. A cheer for you from my corner of the world! :)

  2. Good Job!!

    I need to work on a couple of these, where'd I leave my rosary? and did you mean the WHOLE thing?? not just the first 3 hail Mary's??


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