Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Maryland is for Crabs

My mom sends Christmas Pajamas every year. Sometimes she worries that P.J’s aren’t the most exciting gift to get at Christmas, but they are seriously looked forward to every year by everyone.

This year, it was a Lobster motif. The pants had lobsters on a navy background. They were fun. The younger ones had those onsies with footies. After three days of wearing the lobster pajamas, I declared the sleepware needed a break, and a wash!

Getting dressed for bed, my three year old daughter was visibly upset. She marched up to me in her substitute night gown for the evening with a dark frowny face. “I Want My Crabs!” she snapped.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm always game for Crab Legs! yuummmmmy!

    I plan on starting this tradition of matching PJs for Christmas next year. What adorable pics they'd make!!

    glad to hear even the older ones like it!



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