Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm in the Washington Post today!

This is the second time I've made it! Yes I'm proud. Yes I'm bragging. Click the link anyway. Yes the photo is really from our backyard. I've been taking off pruning duty since I killed a squash.


  1. Brag away! Congratulations -- and if you ever are overrun by tomatoes or sugar snap peas, I'll be happy to take some off your hands.

  2. Mary Lou and Annie
    Love your article!! Keep them coming-all the way to
    Congratulations - it's flattering to have an intelligent niece! Best wishes from all of us!

  3. Great job Sherry - I think you deserve a night out! I love reading your articles. Can't wait to hear about your next article with the W.P.

    Lee Ann and Kevin


Thanks for reading! I'd love to know what you think!